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Activities in and around Borgarnes

There are various things to see and do in and around Borgarnes. Near to Blómasetrið you will find the Settlement Centre, Hótel Borgarnes, Skallagrímsgarður botanic garden and the charming surroundings of the old part of town.


Please check out those websites for more information:


General information about West Iceland/Almennar upplýsingar um þjónustu á Vesturlandi


The Settlement Center/Landnámssetur Íslands:


Information about the town of Borgarnes/Heimasíða bæjarins:


Húsafell: A pearl between lava fields and glaciers, Húsafell is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Iceland. Here you will find a swimmingpool and a campingsite surrounded by magnificent landscape. More information on


Edduveröld: Worlds of Magic & Mythology

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